about us
Over 50 gardeners, 27 individual plots, 10 team plots for shared community produce, monthly get togethers, workshops on 'how to' better understand growing sustainable organic produce in a small urban foot print, this garden was built by voluteers and council help to form an urban oasis. It's busy, it's fun, it's relaxing.
our objectives
a meeting place
a convivial place for people
to mix with a diverse group, form friendships and social bonds to grow a community.
a growing place
an inner suburb space
where fresh organic
food - veggies, herbs,
fruit and flowers can be grown & harvested locally.
a learning place sharing gardening knowledge with members & visitors about sustainable methods.
a healthy place
providing a space for social interaction, physical exercise, nutritious organic produce & a sense of well being.
a beautiful place creating an environment in harmony with nature and our neighbours.
Formed in 2009 our garden grows lusher each year
In just a few short years our members have turned a barren former quarry and rubbish tip into a refuge from inner-city life and a tranquil place to reconnect with their neighbours. Nestled behind the Palms Tennis Centre in Trumper Park this now lush terrace looks west towards Paddington and the skyline of the City of Sydney.
With the ongoing generous support of Woollahra Council and a lively and diverse group of members this has become a space for the community to come together to celebrate sustainability and to share their time, experience and produce.
Our objectives, code of conduct ,sustainability principles and plot guidelines are presented here for your information and there are other resources on other pages for your interest. Welcome to our garden.
Our volunteer committee includes: Bill Mann- President‬‪, Rob McKay -
Vice President, ‬‪‬‪ Kelly Meagher - Secretary, ‬‪Bill Mann - Treasurer and
Member Representatives - ‬ Didi Bunjamin, Etsuko Georgiou & Joe Rodigari
member plot guidelines • code of conduct • sustainable principles
Member gardeners plot guidelines
Just a few tips to get the most out of your plot and this shared space.
‪PLOTS - should to be regularly tended, ideally once a week unless away. ‬
• ‪Bare areas need to be replanted to improve the micro-climate‬
• ‪If going away, organise a plot buddy at the garden to check your plot.‬
SOIL - levels should to be maintained ‬
• ‪you can built up soil with compost‬
• ‪renew mulch over plot to inhibit weed growth and retain moisture ‬
‪ ‬
PLANTS - need to be nurtured‬ to be healthy
• ‪water, prune, stake and replace plants that are going to seed‬
• ‪remove diseased plants eg. mildewy cucurbits and diseased & dropped fruit, eg. tomatoes - maggots get into the ground for next years fruit fly.‬
• ‪remove weeds in and around your plot and communal areas‬
‪ ‬
• ‪2 items max, preferably black or dark green for aesthetics
Our Code of Conduct
• ‪Every gardener will abide by democratic decisions‬
• Each member takes responsibility to manage their behavior so that everyone enjoys the garden
• Children are welcome at this garden, and they must be supervised by parents or teachers at all times
• Personal criticism of other members does not belong in this garden
• At meetings members will respect the right of everyone to express their own view in a congenial and constructive manner
• Opinions on practice and procedure must be supported with well researched facts, and presented in a non-judgmental manner
• Representations on behalf of the Association must only be made by a nominated member of the Committee.
• Should any conflict arise between members this will be promptly referred to the Committee for amicable resolution.
• No animals are allowed in the garden other than registered companion animals and dogs on a lead.
Sustainable principles put into practice
Water harvesting and conservation
The PCG demonstrates practical urban water saving ideas for
inner city people living in a highly built up area, such as:
Rainwater tanks - we have installed two large tanks to harvest water
from adjacent roofs:
Tank 1 captures water from the Palms Tennis Court roof,
Tank 2 captures water from a shelter which members built for this purpose.
Capturing runoff stormwater from a cliff on site. We have built a pond to capture stormwater and a swale to slowdown this runoff.
• Moisture in the site soil Woodchip is regularly spread over the
entire site to absorb runoff and retain moisture.
• Moisture conservation in garden plots
- composted to retain moisture in soil
- mulched with straw to conserve moisture
- watered with watering cans so that water is used in moderation.
Solar energy put to work We have taken advantage of the western aspect of this garden site by installing a solar panel to harvest energy and pump water captured from the tennis court gravity filled tank.
Waste Reduction
• Composting and Wormfarming Members recycle their greenwaste from home into wormfarms and compost bins. All plots have 1 or 2 small compost bins. Communal plots each have a large compost bin and a wormfarm. Members and garden teams are rostered onto the tumblers.
• Greenwaste is also collected from a local organic shops, diverting waste from landfill.
• Organic principles applied The garden demonstrates sustainable solutions for urban food production.PCG uses organic seeds, soil and fertilizer and uses no chemical pesticides so there is no chemical seepage from site. Using organic seeds also encourages diversity of plants. Companion planting is practised to reduce pests and diseases and to promote healthy growth eg. wormwood to discourage snails and basil as companion for tomatoes.
• Local food production Fresh organic produce saves hundreds of food transport kilometres and encourages self sufficiency in food availability by achieving vegetable production in a small space for inner city dwellers.
Individual Plots are just 1.5 x 4 metres. There are plots 30 on the site, and 65 gardeners.