How to become a member -
plots have become available (Post-COVID era demand)
Membership is open to everyone in the community. It doesn't matter if you
have no gardening experience – you can learn as you go. If you are an experienced gardener we welcome your knowledge. To be a member there is a $50 annual fee and you must contribute an average of 1 hour per week on communal tasks in the garden.
As Sydney-siders are becoming more garden aware in our ever growing stressed city demand to join this garden has grown too. If fact we had to close applications during the progress of COVID-19. We are NOW OPEN for new applications.
You can APPLY by filling out the Expression of Interest form... link at the bottom of this page.
Once your application has been reviewed by our committee we will contact you to organise a visit to the garden to gain new skills and get to know other members.
You will need to attend 2 working bees and 2 workshops on composting/worm farming and organic and no dig gardening as part of your 'gardeners apprenticeship'.
At these workshops a member of the committee will give you a membership application form. Your completed application will then be reviewed by the committee at their next meeting.
Communal tasks
Communal tasks are shared amongst all garden members. There are many tasks that need doing – a list is posted at the garden. There will be no cost for communal work as the Association will purchase all seeds, plants etc. and the produce will be shared by all at the garden.
a) You could choose to be responsible for a communal garden area such as the citrus orchard or the tropical zone - looking after the planting, watering, mulching, pruning and more.
b) You might decide to work with a group on a team plot to grow rotating seasonal crops. A group leader will co-ordinate the plot activities.
c) You may have other skills to contribute, such as construction, web design, PR
or cooking say. Please join in this enthusiastic community.
Individual plots
If you have more time an additional option is an individual plot. The cost of a
plot is $100.00 per annum. Plots are approximately 4m x 1.5m in area. Some half plots are also available.
a) individual – 1 person works the plot and retains the produce.
b) shared – up to 4 people share the cost, work and the produce of the plot,
we can find you someone to share with you if necessary.
Individual plot holders are responsible for their own compost, mulch, seeds, watering, pruning, weed and pest control.
Interested in joining our band of GARDENERS?
Download our EOI (Expression of Interest) at this link to get things underway.